
This is your Soul's Ascension. Your earth body is upgrading - raising its frequency to keep up with the frequency changes we're experiencing here on the Earth. And we're here to help you on your way forward. Here's how...

Boxes of Magic

We’ve made the journey of Soul Ascension as smooth as we can for you with our 7 Soul Awaking Boxes. Each box holds a 100% herb Soul Tea blend, made with love, moon energy and a magical blend of herbs. 

Each Soul Tea is supported with an Energy Spray, made with a special combination of healing essential oils. A Soul Awaking card is also included in your box of magic with specific affirmations and a healing Soul Code to assist and support your shift in frequency. 

Awaken Box

Which box do I need?

We’ve outlined the stages of Soul Awaking and the box that will best support your Soul’s journey right here.

Or, if you have a pendulum, we’ve lovingly crafted free pendulum charts you can download to help guide your choice.


You may find through this ascension journey that you experience a range of emotions – from elation, excitement and joy at the expansion of your Soul Self, right through to frustration, fear and down right self-righteousness as you burn off what you no longer need to keep.  The Soul Awaking boxes will support you as you move through these changes, however at times you may feel like you need a little more support. 
Booking an appointment with a Soul Awaking practitioner will guide you on your journey, providing the support you need to move through these shifts as easily as possible.  Appointments can be held in person or remotely. 

There's no need to resist the shift.

Allow this process to happen as it was always intended, and accept the ease and grace in your Soul Awaking.
We're here to help and we hope you love our healing blends as much as we do.